Monday, February 28, 2011

Currently Playing

I know that I am late to the Final Fantasy XIII party, but I am going to talk about it anyway. What to fight about it? Before I continue I am going to talk a little about my history with Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy 6 or 3 in the U.S. was the first RPG I have ever played in any form. That being said it is what taught me about Hit points Mana Points, and things of that nature. So the series hold a lot of nostalgic value.

That is not to say there are ones that I do not like. Excluding the MMOs (11,14). I have played Final Fantasy (using Japanese numbers) 1,5,6,7,8,9,10.12.13. Of those I actually hated 8, and 12. I thought they were mediocre at best and most trash. Final Fantasy 7 is my favorite in the series. I was just about the right age when it came out(13) to become a huge fanboy. I mean what was there not to like an emo main hero who was 17. Who fought the system lost his love. Become a true hero and badass, and made plenty of friends on his way to save the world. Cloud is what ever 13 year old boy want to be. So subsequent installments have been hit, or miss. Though I really did like nine though most of the main stream gamers shunned it. Now let me digress.

Final Fantasy 13 is a story about a woman name Lighting. I guess they are sticking with the "Natural Phenomenon" theme Cloud, Squall, Tidus. Who is on a mission to save her sister on the way she is marked (along with people who by "fate" are with her who ends up being the party") on a mission by the mysterious beings who control the world they live in. I'll stop the story there since the rest is spoilers. How they all got there is told in a series of flashbacks from 13 days leading to the event.

Things I like :

The combat system is reworked, and has a turn based classic Final Fantasy feel. While it is streamlined and flashy to fit in the modern era.

Strong Female protagonist. Video game developers always get the female lead wrong in my opinion. With the notable exception of Female Shepard. They are usually made weak "needs to be saved" " I need other people to fight for me/ be rescued.", or " I have big tits and a gun/sword." While the latter is kinda cool sometimes it does not work in most story driven games. Lighting acts like what I assume a real life woman would act. She is tough, but not afraid to hug someone. She will cut your face off, and tell you to fuck off if your an enemy, but will rally her friends in a true motherly way.

Minority Protagonist : We have not had one of these in a Final Fantasy since 7 (Barret). I am sick of games being full of blond haired blue eyed pretty boys. I can not relate to that, nor do I want to. Shaz is a Strong male supporting character who does not speak in ebonics. He is not ghetto. And the fact that he carries a chocobo chic in his afro is kinda awesome to me.

Bottom line we need more strong female, and non thug minority Characters in video games.

Presentation : The Graphics Music and design are what you would expect from a Final Fantasy, but taken up to 11. Played on PlayStation it is amazing. Some of the Draw distances are insane.

Things I do not like

Hey we"re walking in a straight line...hey we"re walking in a line again. Hey look at that we are walking in a line. Yup pretty much all the dungeons are walking in a line.

Customization : While the talent trees seem like they have room for this it's well you guessed it a straight line.

Overall : It get's 8.5 Illogical Shits out of 10

Meme Monday. If You Watch X Backwards, It's About Y

Know your Meme

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Illogical Sh*it 2/27

Geek love!

Freaking cats and sitting on computers.
Well is it?
Oh how I hate Shallow bitches with $1,000 purses. Hate them almost as much as those douche bag gudio fucks.

Videos of the Day

Any 90's kid will get a kick out of this

A dramatic reading of a breakup letter

Link of the day

A girls guide to dating geeks. This should be useful for my next girlfriend.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Twlight for men.

From the website QDB Quote.

my friend is making my other friend's girlfriend rage on facebook by arguing with her about how Twilight is the dumbest shit ever
so I created Twilight for Men.
government scientist fused DNA with Hayden P. and Mila Kunis to create the hottest woman ever with big titties and a nice ass, and she's all over my dick but it turns out she's a pirate and I'm like "omg but I want to be a pirate" and she's all naked near me and shit and I'm like "you're the most perfect thing ever" ... See Moreand she's like "I know, now fuck me"
and then all the sudden it turns out the government actually made someone else who was fused from the DNA of Kristen Bell and Elisha Cuthbert and she shows up and is like "what the fuck but I want your dick more." and I'm like "D:"
and then the Kristen and Elisha fusion is like "OH AND IM A NINJA SHITYEAH" and I'm like "FUUUUUUUUUUUCK NINJAS VS PIRATE" and then this was my face when they were fighting a war near me " :O "
with none of them wearing shirts oh and they all have super nice tits and are not fat at all and are the most perfect looking women ever and then they all want my dick so bad it's hard for me to choose and also whether I want to be a Ninja or Pirate it's a very tough decision.

Your Daily nonsense 2/26

Must have been a fun wedding.

Really awesome picture click on it. Silly asses.

While Portal is my favorite game. Zelda is my favorite series. Wisdom, Courage Power...Thinking about getting a tri-force tattoo

She is hot!. Obvious joke is Obvious. Great artwork!

This guy is a fucking master at Mario.

Forget get you, you mother forgettable forget!

Have not played mine-craft yet, but I here it is amazing, and about as time consuming as WoW.

Link of the day

Proud geek parent bumper stickers

Friday, February 25, 2011

Irate Girlfriend Destroys Xbox 360

Irate Girlfriend Destroys Xbox 360

You have to see this to believe it. Though it might be fake. Seriously though. She kinda overreacted. Just a tad.

Portal...we do what we must because we can.

Portal Wedding invitation . I wonder if they had cake?
I actually took this picture myself. I saw this on my birthday. Which made it the best Birthday ever.
Companion Cube Cs-play.Win!

This cake was made by a good firend of mine last year. Still the best birthday present ever.

This kid get's an A in my book. The A is for Aperture science
I like Portal a lot, but not as much as this guy.

Home made gun nicely done.

Portal earrings from a red head nonetheless.

This just rocks.

Just do it!

Portal Legos!!!

This is how I wish I learned my ABCs

More Illogical Shit

Smart red-headed and geeky :swoon:

Thats what she said!

Want to buy mind meld.

Would not be my blog with out a Portal Joke

Seriously What the fuck is going on here

Bunch of fucking tards.

Jeopardy Fails

Epic Jeopardy Fails

Pussy Furry!

Kebert xela

What is a Ho?

Guy goes on a bad streak

Pick on the Indian Guy

Illogical Shit Flashback Friday

Teenage mutant ninja Squirtes. It like pokemon and Ninja Turtles had a bastard child.

Jordi Laforge Original Engineering Gangster

A woman's vagina...redundant. How does a vagina even die. Might be a photoshop job but funny as hell nonetheless.

Link of the day Things 90's kids Realize

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Love loss and the internet.

If you are reading this you most likely know a lot about me, but if you are a stranger on the internet then you do not. Or maybe just a passing person that knows me just a little. I am going to share the last three or so years of my life in a way that I feel comfortable on the internet. Only to keep some of my privacy in tact on the world wide web. In the winter of 2005 I met a girl on the internet. After a long courtship process I have no idea how to play "the game". Never have do not want to learn. I think it is stupid. I saved up some money, and flew her down for a week at my place. At the time I was living in Orlando with a roommate that I had been living with for three years., and had been friends with since I was 18 years old.

Love is a funny thing I was 23 at the time, and was still a bit naive. I can still smell the flowers I had at the airport and the tension of waiting for her to arrive at Orlando International airport. I recall getting to the airport three hours early. Buying some flowers, and waiting by the big fountain in the airport that those of you who have been to said airport have seen for sure. You don't really know someone until you have met them in person. I myself am a bit different online that I am in person. I am not as outgoing around people I do not know, but act pretty much the same as I do online. So I was anxious to spend a week with someone I did not know. What if she did not like me? What if I could not stand her? What if I just wasted all that money on a plance ticket? Well I finally saw her and could recall what she looked liked from the pictures that she sent me. I went up to her, and handed her the flowers. And then we just stood there for what felt like three years. In all actually it was most likely five seconds. Then she said to me " Are we going to do something, or just stand here all day." I should have ran into my car and left her there right then.

The car ride to my apartment was very eventful we joked and laughed, and it was like we pick up where we left off online. The week was magical. Even after everything that unfolded, and the turmoil that I was put through. I still think it was one of the best weeks of my life. The first night after she got there I made a huge breakfast for her with everything you could imagine. She was so happy she cried. Funny how you can recall things. I don't recall everything that happaned that week, but I can recall that very vividly for some reason. We went to the theme parks all of them even bush gardens. We laughed watched movies had some adult fun. As soon as it came it was over and she left on a plane back to Virgina.

I thought the story would end there, and it would be one week full of great times, and it was soon over. Back to the daily routine. A couple weeks later she called me and said she could not be apart from me and wanted to live with me. Though I would later find out she really needed a place to live. I decided that sometimes in life you have to take risks, and this was one risk that I was willing to take. So I told her to come to Florida and live with me. Well she did come down, but my roommate was not to happy about the situation, and figured it was not going to work for him. Since the place was his I had to leave. Fast forward to about four months later. She was getting home sick, and wanted to move back to her home state. So I left my job left school, and decided to go with her in the name of love to Virgina.

We found a nice town home moved in got a dog which I loved very much, and still miss to this day. I got a job which I hated so much I could not stand, but I did it so we could keep the town-home, and she only had to work part time. I know now that I was kinda getting conned, but as they say love is blind. We had a normal life for almost three years. As the relationship went on she got very jealous, and possessive. She did not want me having any female friends. She would pitch a fit if I wanted to go on Facebook, and question every woman that I came into contact with. I could not take much more of it. I realized then I had given up so much for something that was not going to work.

But I loved her. I really did love her. I did something only a foolish child would do, and I look back at it and think to myself what the fuck was I thinking. In order to save the relationship. I got a ring. A ring will save everything. She wanted to go away and see a friend of her's that lived in California. I am the trusting type so said yeah sure have fun go for it. When she went away. I went and got the ring.

In our apartment we had two computers. The one that I used power supply had gone down. So I was using her's while she was gone. Well she had her's so it would auto start chat programs when you started windows. I get on to dick around the internet which I am so famous, or infamous for depending on who you talk to. And I get I chat message from someone asking some very x rated questions. Now I am not the type to snoop, but if you give me a reason like that I will.

So I played the part, and was shocked. I decided that hell if I am going to purpose to this girl I might as well find out what the hell is going on. Lucky for me I know a bit about computers. So it took me about three minutes to find the logs. I found them and read them. It blew my world upside down. Lots of guys lots of e fooling around, and the friends she was going to see was a man in Canada. Who I'm positive she slept with due to the logs I read. The day she was supposed to come back to the house. I was going to meet her at home after work. When I got home everything of her's was gone even our dog. With a dear Jon note. It was like a damn lifetime movie. I come home with a ring in my pocket about to confront her about it, and she is gone poof. I am alone in Virgina with only one friend, and a job I hate.

Well that week only got worse for me. I then got laid off from my job. Oh and the only friend I had drowned in a boating accident the week after. So much shit went down in such a short time. It did not even all sink in until a couple months later. With my tail between my legs, I went back to Florida. Tried to rekindle old friendships. Some worked out some did not. Went back to school. Started working out again to get back in the shape I was before my stressful depressing relationship.

The past two years of my life have been the rebuilding of my life from scratch. I literary came back to Florida almost pennyless, and with only enough things that I could fit in my car. I decided I want to be an Educator. I am going for it now. I am awaiting word if I will be accepted into an accelerated B.A-M.A program at the University of Central Florida as we speak. As it stands though I am a Junior albeit an old one.

I looks like I'm heading to a happy ending. Though the last two years the first two of my rebuilding process has been tough. I feel great now things are really looking good. I have climbed up from the bottom. But it has some lasting effects. I have not been on a date, or really even had anything besides a platonic relationship with a female since, and it is by my choosing. Though I am getting to the point where I am almost ready. It would be nice to have someone to talk to on a daily basis.

So that is where I am for those of you who don't know. My goals before I reach 30

Be in the best shape of my life.

Goals as they come with no timeline

Wife, kids, house, and a sweet ass PC.

Link of the day

Take that teabaggers

Currently Watching

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.

I am 20 episodes in, and like it so far. This series unlike the older Full Metal Alchemist is a different story that follows the manga . The 2003 story follows it for about the first 10 episodes, and then makes its own story. The two main protagonists Edward and Alfonse Elric are on a quest to restore missing body parts. After losing them during an experiment to bring their dead mother back to life. While on the quest they join the government as certified state Alchemist a certified State Alchemists. While in the shadows a mysterious man known only as Scare is killing Sate Alchemists. While a plot from the inside of the government threatens to unravel the nation from the inside.

My ratings so far

Art Style/Music A ~ Great music in both the opening and inside of the episodes. The art work is great.

Plot -B- Lots of action and political intrigue. While having some zany moments of comic relief. The writers do a good job of teaching you about the world, and the lore that surrounds it. Though there can be some filler.

Cost A+ - Free streaming on Hulu albeit it is in the process of being dubed. So if you do not like sub-titles steer clear

Overall A-

Illogical Shit of the day.

Best Freaking looking spider roll ever...though it would kill me since I am allergic to shellfish.

I wish I could download a car off utorrent. In fact make that a flying car. We should have flying cars by now. I WAS PROMISED A FLYING CAR.

My babe of the week Susan Coffey. An unknown model. She is very pretty.

Video of the day

Quite long, but worth it. This is what happens when you steal from a hacker. This guy got so pwned it was stupid.